Changing the world is an obligation in life. You have to do something every day to make a difference. Without that difference not only will you stagnate but so will others around you. And it is human nature to want change, to want to advance and move forward.
That is a philosophy in life by which I have tried to live. And then there are the days when I don’t want to get off the couch and do anything. Sometimes you just feel the need to vegetate.
Achievement is a four-letter word when you are weary and exhausted. Who wants to achieve anything after a long, grueling day at work? I am getting depressed just thinking about it. What makes it worse is knowing there are people who really have changed the world. Why couldn’t they have just made little changes? Little changes add up. We can all make little changes.
And if you think I am just whining, I am not. I am not alone in thinking that little changes can change the world. Everything adds up. We can say that about global warming. That’s a sad point to make but you change the world every time you drive your car and burn those hydrocarbons. The Earth is growing warmer thanks in part to our little changes.
And when you share your ideas on your blog, if anyone reads them, you change the world. Some people blog for this reason alone. By casting their bread upon the waters they want to see what comes back to them. We are sharing ideas and feelings in a great global discussion. You can hear anyone by tuning out the noise long enough to stay focused on their one message.
And you can act on that message or pass it up. You can make one small change, any change, so long as you choose to. Even choosing to sleep on the couch all day changes the world a little bit although I know my wife would rather I do some yard work.
If little changes add up to big changes then everything we do, every step we take, contributes in some small way to the great ongoing change in the world. It may not be much but it’s a start.